Come on babe, we’re gonna paint the town... and all that jazz!Following mega-productions of ‘Les Miserables’, ‘Shrek!’ and ‘Mary Poppins’ prepare for a high-energy dance spectacular that will leave you in a Jazz Age whirl.
Years before Tiktok or Snapchat, the record-breaking, multi-award-winning ‘Chicago’ nailed the dangers of celebrity culture, media sensationalism, and the business of show business in the hilarious tale of Roxy Hart and Velma Kelly- two “Killer Dillers” who shoot their way to the top. ‘Les Mis’ was a sell-out epic, so early booking for this show is definitely advisable!
Thursday 6 March 2025 - Sunday 9 March 2025 (UTC+00)Location
Queen's College
Queen's College, Trull Road, Taunton, Somerset TA1 4QS