LAEL Public Lecture: Isobelle Clarke

The Department of Linguistics and English Language in Lancaster is celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2024. In a series of public lectures, we will showcase our recent research in different areas of linguistics. Everyone is welcome!
The shared anti-science discourses
Speaker: Dr Isobelle Clarke
Anti-science discourse has been studied through the optic of particular governments (Carter et al., 2019) or specific topics, such as anti-vaccination (Davis, 2019), anti-genetically modified organisms (Cook et al. 2004), stem cell research (Marcon, Murdoch and Caulfield, 2017), and climate denial discourse (Park, 2015). This research often details the development and content of the anti-science position and discourses. Yet, little is known about how the discourses compare across topics. Are there anti-science discourses that are shared across topics or does the discourse vary with the topic? In this talk, I will present the results of the common discourses which are shared between texts from website known to promote pseudoscience and conspiracy on the topics of stem cells, climate change, vaccination and genetically modified organisms.
For details of the talk and the upcoming programme, please visit our 50th anniversary website.
Faraday Lecture Theatre, Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YW