LAEL Public Lecture: Patrick Rebuschat

The Department of Linguistics and English Language in Lancaster is celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2024. In a series of public lectures, we will showcase our recent research in different areas of linguistics. Everyone is welcome!
The science of multilingualism
Speaker: Professor Patrick Rebuschat
Migration is making Europe increasingly multilingual, and the United Kingdom is committed to promoting this linguistic diversity for reasons of cultural identity, social integration and cohesion. In this lecture, we will focus on multilingualism at the individual level. What does recent research in linguistics, psychology and neuroscience tell us about the multilingual mind and brain? And: How can we use these insights to support successful multilingual development in children and adults? We will conclude with a Q&A session and general reflection on the topic.
For details of the talk and the upcoming programme, please visit our 50th anniversary website.
Faraday Lecture Theatre, Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YW