The King's Award for Voluntary Service - 2025 Nominations

Do you know a voluntary group that deserves recognition for the work it does? Why not considernominating it for a national award?
The King’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest honour that can be bestowed upon groups
of this kind and is equivalent in status to the MBE. Every day, millions of people across the UK are
making a difference by volunteering and each year, outstanding examples of this work will be
celebrated through The King’s Award for Voluntary Service.
We are delighted to host Helen Bingley OBE, chief executive of the Abaseen Foundation UK, a previous winner of the King's (then Queen's) Award for Voluntary Service, and former Award assessor. Helen will talk you through the Award including the eligibility and nomination process and will answer any questions about potential nominations, so that you can ensure that your chosen organisation will have the best possible chance of success.
Please join us for this free to join online breifing.
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