North West HR Employers Forum

Our North West HR Employers Forums are supported by HR professionals who are at the forefront of developing and delivering best practice in their field. Our Forums are organised twice a year with regular slots from Forbes Employment Solicitors, Co-Creation Group Leadership and Management Specialists, and guest speakers who present on relevant HR and employment topics. The Forum also offers attendees an excellent networking opportunity with business owners and HR Practitioners.
1. Light breakfast and Networking (9am to 9.30am)
2. Welcome and General Introduction – Andrea Wallace (Business Development & Partnership Manager), Community & Business Partners (9.30am)
3. Legal Update – Andrew Halpin (Partner, Employment & HR), Forbes Solicitors
Providing a summary of key employment law updates.
4. Dave Harrison (Managing Director), Co-Creation Group
Promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion has never been more important for leaders, especially as we navigate complex, ever-changing work environments. In today’s diverse workplaces, leaders face the challenge of ensuring that every team member feels valued, supported, and empowered, regardless of their background or identity.
Dave Harrison, Managing Director of Co-Creation, will share ideas and strategies that leaders can implement to foster an inclusive culture. By embracing diversity and leading with inclusion, leaders can create environments where both they and their teams thrive—driving innovation, collaboration, and success.
5. Mike Newman (Founder), Speed of Sight
“Superhuman” Mike Newman is a 9-time World Record Holder, despite being born completely blind. With a passion for racing, he set out to achieve the impossible and is now the fastest blind man on land and water.
Through determination and resilience, Mike overcame immense challenges, and through his charity, Speed of Sight, he’s helped hundreds of people with disabilities experience the thrill of driving.
Mike’s journey highlights the power of equality, diversity, and inclusion. His story reminds us how embracing diverse abilities can drive innovation and success. Join us to hear how his mindset helped him break barriers and inspire more inclusive workplaces.
6. Interactive Session
A short interactive session on equality, diversity and inclusion led by Andrew Halpin and Dave Harrison.
7. Panel
Q&A session where delegates can ask any questions they may have from the talks of the morning. The panel will include Andrew Halpin, Dave Harrison, Mike Newman, Teresa Dawson and Vicky Shepherd
8. Andrea Wallace (Business Development & Partnership Manager), Community & Business Partners
Closing Remarks
9. Any Other Business
Ask the Expert – from 11.30am to 12.00pm members of Forbes Solicitors Employment and HR Business Support Team, and Co-Creation Group will be available to answer any individual questions or queries you may have in relation to your organisation / employees. |
Please note: In the event of over subscription, where two colleagues are wishing to attend from the same organisation, we may have to request only one attends. Community & Business Partners will be in touch the week before the Forum if applicable.
Supported By
Accrington Stanley Football Club
Wham Stadium, Livingstone Road, Accrington, Lancashire BB5 5BX