The Tempest - Upper School Production
Set in a spooky, post-apocalyptic world, this show reimagines Prospero’s island as a broken, crumbling wasteland where survival is key. Even among the ruins, magic and mystery are alive, as Prospero uses his powers to tell a story of revenge, forgiveness, and making peace.Join us for a journey through a dystopian world where reality and illusion mix, and the human spirit shines through the darkest times.
Don’t miss this unique and exciting take on a classic tale!
To reserve your tickets please click the performance date you wish to come to on the calendar opposite.
Tuesday 26 November - 2.15pm matinee
Thursday 28 November - 6.45pm
Friday 29 November - 6.45pm
Each performance will last for approximately 1 hour.
Lynam Hall
Dragon Prep, Bardwell Road, Oxford, OX2 6SS