Illustration 125 - Public Viewings and Open Evening

The exhibition will run from Monday 10 February until Friday 21 March and will be open to the public on Thursday's 10am - 5pm (excluding Thursday 20 February). Please email to book a private viewing.This exhibition is a learning resource, in an educational setting. Our hope is that local students and the wider community will benefit from the opportunity to see the work of world class illustrators; including work from Handsome Frank Illustration Agency, the original prints of Corina Sargood (illustrator for Angela Carter), award winning Paul Blow and many more. The exhibition aims to promote Art and Design as a positive choice for higher education and to highlight the importance and value of illustration and related areas in today's visual world.
Thursday 6 March 2025 - Thursday 20 March 2025 (UTC+00)Location
The Wirth Gallery, The Merritt Centre
Sherborne Girls, Bradford Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT93QN