Saturday 16 August 10am-5pm
Sunday 17 August 10am-5pm
Venue: Sunshine Room, The Park, Ecovillage Findhorn
Suggested donation: £100-£75-£50.
£100: Generosity price: financially supporting those without the means to participate.
£75: Sustainable price: the regular price to sustain this retreat.
£50: Subsidised price, for those on low income and in need of financial assistance.
Please note: no one will be turned away because of lack of funds.
Meals: Several options for meals will be available, from lunch together in the Phoenix cafe, to self catering with items from the nearby Phoenix shop. Details tbc.
- Find a range of self-catering bungalows around the Park, as well as eco-pods and camping, at the Findhorn Bay Holiday Park.
- For a list of B&Bs run by community members in the Park and nearby, go to the New Findhorn Association.
- The Findhorn Hinterland Trust offers wild camping in the woods, with a rustic shower and composting toilet.