1966 music and poetry documentary with introduction from Adam Horovitz.A cinema verité documentary by John McGrath, made for BBC2, capturing an almost forgotten moment in time, post-Beat but pre-Hippy, just before the counterculture exploded out of the underground and into the mainstream. Starring folk singer Maureen Kennedy Martin and her family, the film also features key poets and musicians of the time including John Renbourn, Michael and Frances Horovitz, Adrian Mitchell and Davey Graham. The aim is to use the film to restart a conversation on how music, art, poetry and film worked together to transform the British cultural scene, and to raise awareness, in a time of polarisation and ghettoization of art forms,
of how intermingled and enlivening the cross- pollination of the arts used to (and can still) be. With thanks to the BFI National TV Archive
Museum in the Park
Stratford Park, Stratford Road, Stroud, GLOS GL5 4AF