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Grace Lutheran Primary School tested TryBooking with a free concert first and are now fully on board.


Grace Lutheran Primary School in Clontarf Queensland has about 400 students and an active school community. The school has always had a good turnout for their free end of year concert, and after receiving a letter about TryBooking, Jill Woolette from their office thought that this concert  - the Wise Guys and Starry Skies - that took place over two nights would make an excellent test for paid events. 

"I read the letter and thought, why not just give it a go," said Jill. "It's a bit of trial for next year's fete because we want to pre-sell tickets to avoid a jam-up in the office."


The change

"It was a bit daunting at first because I'd never done anything like this, but it turned out to be really easy. I phoned TryBooking once for advice about which report to use to track how the concert was booking. Otherwise it was much simpler than I thought it would be," said Jill.

The parent community embraced the change wholeheartedly. "The parents loved it! I heard nothing negative from anyone," enthused Jill. "People took their bookings very seriously and everyone who booked showed up."

The office was virtually unaffected by the concert. "We didn't have to do much at all. We advertised how to book in our school newsletter and in the advertising about the concert," said Jill. From there, the parents jumped online and reserved their places. "It was nice and simple, easy!"


The results

Approximately 600 people attended their Wise Guys & Starry Skies concert over two nights in 2008. 

"We had a maximum number of bookings allocated on the TryBooking site, so people took it very seriously and everyone came," said Jill.

"We'll definitely use TryBooking for our 2009 fete and for free and paid events," said Jill. "It was a great experience. I loved it and will definitely use it again!"


Jill Woolette
Grace Lutheran Primary