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A big sporting school, Queenwood School for Girls gave their sports registration process a complete makeover with TryBooking.


Queenwood School for Girls is a big sporting school. With more than 18 sport offerings and several teams within each sport, team registration used to be a big headache. 

Daniel Kozey, Director of Sports, at Queenwood School for Girls, talks about the old process.

"We use to use a paper form which parents would print off and send back to school, but TryBooking is a much more efficient and effective method of registering for sports. Every organisation that still uses manual registrations knows the complications around payment collection, incomplete or missing forms (that were "definitely passed in"), discrepancies about whether payments have been made, and managing cheques, cash, credit cards, and after all that finally entering all the data into their system."


The change

This year, Queenwood School for Girls decided to stop all manual registrations. They eliminated lost paperwork, late payments, incomplete registration forms and data entry. In one simple move, Queenwood School for Girls gained back huge amounts of staff time, made parents happier, and enjoyed more positive communication with their entire school community.


"Staff, administration, and parents are all excited that paperwork is a thing of the past. TryBooking is definitely the way of the future!"


For the first time, Queenswood School for Girls collected all their registrations and payments before the deadline, with the help of TryBooking. They instantly had full reports and spreadsheets with all the information they needed, including ages, experience level, medical history and consent forms without having to input one iota of data themselves.

"The first time we used TryBooking for our Sports Registrations it revolutionised our whole system," Daniel Kozey, Director of Sports, at Queenwood School for Girls. 

"Staff were extremely happy with how easy it was to access student data and the elimination of the bookkeeping and payment issues. The ability to have a booking window during which time students MUST sign up for activities or sports is a huge benefit. Being able to cut off registrations on time is extremely helpful when getting team lists and names into the various associations.

Our Business Office loves TryBooking. They receive instant clear reports about payments and there is no double handling of data or messy reconciliations to be done anymore.

Parents love the convenience of being able to quickly register all their kids online. TryBooking is extremely cost effective. Parents would be paying bank fees anyway, so 30c per booking does not faze anyone."


The results

Now that Queenwood School for Girls uses TryBooking for their sports registrations, other departments have taken notice. 

"TryBooking has been such a success in our organisation that other school departments are now following suit. All activities undertaken by students will now be booked and paid for using TryBooking.

Staff, administration, and parents are all excited that paperwork is a thing of the past. TryBooking is definitely the way of the future!"


Daniel Kozey
Director of Sports
Queenwood School for Girls