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May 01, 2024 · 1 min read

How TryBooking Supports Coaches and Trainers Streamlining Equine Training Sessions

How TryBooking Supports Coaches and Trainers Streamlining Equine Training Sessions

For equine coaches and trainers, there’s nothing better than being out in the fields rather than being bogged down in back-room admin.

That’s where TryBooking comes in, with an easy-to-use solution that makes managing scheduling and registrations easy, and simplifies compliance with health and safety regulations.

Let’s jump into how TryBooking can simplify managing your coaching sessions, all whilst saving you valuable time.

How TryBooking Supports Equine Training Sessions

  • 1. Convenient session booking
  • 2. Real time availability updates
  • 3. Simplified health and safety management
  • 4. Custom branding
  • 5. Clear terms and conditions
  • 6. Secure payment processing

Convenient session booking

Gone are the days of endless text conversations trying to coordinate lesson times and locations. With TryBooking, trainers can consolidate all their session booking in one convenient place. Clients can effortlessly view and book available slots using the integrated Calendar view, freeing up your time to focus on your horses and other clients.

Real time availability updates

Using TryBooking makes it easy for you to manage your availability, ensuring that clients have access to the most up-to-date scheduling information. This reduces the likelihood of double bookings or scheduling conflicts.

What’s more, with powerful integrated reporting, you can easily check who’s booked which session and simplify managing your schedule.

Simplified health and safety management

Insurance requirements often result in piles of paperwork collecting essential health and safety information from your clients – all before they’ve turned up at the gates. TryBooking lets you incorporate important information and agreement fields into your booking process, ensuring that clients provide all the necessary paperwork before attending sessions. This not only fulfils insurance obligations but also establishes a standard protocol in case of unforeseen accidents.

Custom branding

It’s often seen as a dream to have a professional looking web presence. With TryBooking however, it’s super easy to make this a reality!

Create custom event pages that showcase the best of your training sessions, share important information to prospective bookers and give your sessions a professional look and feel.

Clear terms and conditions

It can often be a headache when you receive an unexpected cancellation request, especially if there’s been a miscommunication. With TryBooking, trainers can clearly outline their terms and conditions, ensuring that clients acknowledge and agree to them before confirming their booking. This proactive approach empowers trainers to enforce their policies consistently, safeguarding their livelihood and time investment.

Secure payment processing

As people continue to shift away from cash and cheque, supporting card payments has become more important than ever. TryBooking enables trainers to collect payments upfront, eliminating the hassle of chasing down overdue fees or handling cash on-site. Additionally, trainers can pass on any processing fees to clients, aligning with industry standards and reducing administrative burdens.

Ready to make the jump?

In conclusion, TryBooking isn’t just a ticketing platform; it’s a comprehensive solution tailored for equine trainers and coaches.

Whether you’re new to the world of coaching or a seasoned professional, online registrations can help simplify back-door admin and let you get on with the most important things out on the field.

Book a demo with one of our specialists to experience all the features first hand. Alternatively, get started managing your sessions online by creating an account.

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