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Oct 25, 2015 · 2 min read

How to promote your event using social media?

How to promote your event using social media?

With so many people online every day, social media is the perfect way to promote, generate awareness and build hype around your upcoming event. Our team understands that social media may not be as straight forward to use as you may have initially thought. 

Setting up and managing your event page can be confusing, so we have put together four of our top tips on how to make the most out of promoting your event online:

  1. Use a Facebook Event Page to spread the word

    Setting up an event page on Facebook is a simple, straight forward procedure and is a fantastic starting platform to promote your upcoming event. You can upload the event details, relevant photos, add multiple administrators, and use the page to respond to queries that prospective attendees might have about your event. A Facebook event page allows you to promote an event to your own network and also track who has been invited. For greater reach, invitees can spread the word about your event to their own network. Add your unique TryBooking event URL to your Facebook event page to create a simple path to where tickets to your event can be purchased on our website and payments subsequently collected.

  2. Create a catchy #hashtag

    The use of the humble hashtag has become a must for the successful online promotion of many types of events. Hashtags offer a strategic solution by creating a point of reference for your event, which can be applied and promoted across all social media channels. Spread it across all your accounts, by adding it to your written posts, using it to tag image uploads and incorporating it into any promotional message to gain maximum awareness.

  3. Compile a video of highlights

    A visual outlet, such as a highlight reel with footage from the last event is a great way to create awareness and build excitement for your upcoming event. The great thing about a video on social media is that it can be shared and uploaded on various sites, such as Facebook, Instagram (a shorter version needs to be created if the video exceeds 15 seconds), YouTube or your website (if applicable).

  4. Take advantage of double sided referral programs

    By encouraging people to 'like' and 'share' your event page on their social media accounts, your event is exposed to a larger network of contacts, gaining an exponentially wider audience each time a user engages with the page. Consider hosting a promotion where a discount may be offered to those who share the page, and perhaps even to their referred friend when both parties purchase tickets. This technique works best when promoting your event to a similar demographic, targeting those who are likely to be interested in attending your event.

  5. We hope these tips have helped you to promote your next event in the social media space. If you would like tips on running your next event, our friendly, knowledgeable Client Services Team is just a phone call away on (03) 9012 3460.

Do you have any tips or tricks that you've used when promoting an event on social media? Share our post on social media to open up the discussion!


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