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Sep 24, 2015 · 2 min read

What's the secret behind the Success and Direction of TryBooking?

What's the secret behind the Success and Direction of TryBooking?

TryBooking is a leading Australian online event ticketing company, focussed on community groups; we seek to make event ticket management simple. Dig a little deeper and it's easy to see the parallels between TryBooking and our founder, Grant Dunoon, who instils his passion for the community into his company. TryBooking prides itself on not only giving back to the community but connecting them.

A Passion for volunteering

Grant often volunteers in the community and his passion is to help people in need. In 2004 Grant used his pilot status to fly aid to Indonesia after a devastating tsunami.

Grant has turned his passion for sailing into pro bono work, Volunteering as a board member for Yachting Victoria, acting as the chairman of his school's sailing team and facilitated the Get Active Program at the Royal Brighton Yacht Club, which aims to help give novice sailors advice and support.

What a way to make new friends

During the 2012 Melbourne to Port Fairy Yacht Race, Grant, the skipper of TryBooking was called to rescue 6 crew members from another yacht whose boat had sunk. With such horrific weather conditions, the authorities and other boats were unable to assist. As a result of the heroic efforts of Grant and crew of TryBooking, 6 men were reunited with their families after they had been safely brought to the Port Fairy River.

Grant was awarded 2012 Australian Maritime Safety Award (AMSA), Yachting Australia - Solas Award, Yachting Victoria - Presidents Award and Governor General of Australia Group Bravery Citation. Grant's main accomplishment in relation to the rescue - "It's a hell of a way to make 6 new life-long friends."

Supporting charities

TryBooking gives back to charitable organisations (such as HeartKids, Challenge and The Cancer Council) by donating booking fees from events run by the charities. This is their way of helping to give back to such valued organisations.

Working with community groups

Grant enjoys the adventure and the unknown that sailing brings, and has been a passionate sailor for decades. He draws upon his knowledge and experience to work with Whitelion; a charity who helps to provide disadvantaged youth with the necessities, such as food and blankets. Grant assists in sourcing boats to be used during the charity race held by Property Industry Foundation (PIF) for those who have completed the Whitelion Program. Furthermore, he partakes in the mentoring program for youth who are sailing enthusiasts, by matching them up with skippers who can teach them how to sail.

The passion and enthusiasm Grant brings to his community work continues to drive TryBooking as a successful platform to organise and manage any event. TryBooking offers affordable online event ticketing, so even businesses with low budgets are able to utilise their services. As they strongly believe in supporting fundraisers and worthy community groups, TryBooking offers a no charge policy for free events, which is all part of their community commitment. 


Events made easy

The TryBooking Team

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