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Aug 22, 2016 · 3 min read

What are the Top 3 ideas of school fundraising?

What are the Top 3 ideas of school fundraising?

Schools play a vital role in every community; yet when traditional funding falls short, many school communities need to rely on fundraising ideas to get the resources their students need.

Whether it be sending students to camp, purchasing new computers or even constructing sporting facilities, school fundraisers are the driving force behind student development.

But what’s the best school fundraising idea for your school?

Here at TryBooking, we know that with so many fundraising ideas out there, the biggest challenge you face is choosing the one that will meet the needs of your school.

We are committed to helping primary schools and high schools reach their goals with their fundraising activities. Here are our top 3 school fundraising ideas to get you started.


Fundraising Idea # 1 – The school movie night

Let’s face it, all kids love a night at the movies!

By holding a school movie fundraiser you can invite students, their parents and friends to come along and watch movies in the school hall, or better yet a night of movies under the stars on the school oval.

The benefit of having a school movie night is that you can hold separate screenings for different age groups which will increase the number of people who attend.

You can hold screenings for junior, middle and senior school students with different movies to cater for different age groups.

With a school movie night you can also make extra money by selling popcorn, snacks, and cold drinks providing your fundraising event with multiple income streams. Learn more about planning a movie fundraiser.


Fundraising Idea # 2 – The school disco

School discos are a much-loved event for students. There is often a lot of anticipation for these events, which will naturally compliment your promotion activities.

Once again just like a school movie night, organise disco’s for different year levels or age groups, this will ensure that the kids have the best fun possible and music can be tailored to their ages.

By setting up a food and drink kiosk your school can also make additional money during the disco. 


Fundraising Idea # 3 – The school trivia night

Many schools overlook the community and social benefits of a trivia fundraiser night. A school trivia night is directed more towards the adults in the school community and is a great opportunity for parents to meet other school parents.

Trivia nights are easy to set up and you can have local businesses donate prizes for the trivia competition.

With a trivia night, a school can also tap into many other income streams by selling food and drinks to people attending the school fundraiser. Trivia nights are a great idea for not only raising money for schools but also helping to build a close-knit school community.


Getting your school fundraiser started

Once you have decided on the best school fundraising idea for your school, it’s time to put your idea into action. This has long been the most resource intensive part of any school fundraising initiative, promoting the fundraiser, selling tickets and accounting for the money raised.

To raise money school staff and volunteers have had to spend the time physically spend the time attending to all these fundraising tasks. Imagine if this process was automated?

That’s where the team at TryBooking come in. Not only can we assist you with marketing your fundraiser through an event webpage, but more importantly we can simplify the ticketing system for your fundraiser, making it easier for your attendees to purchase their tickets. You can also create detailed data reports for your event through our event dashboard.  

With TryBooking you choose the type of tickets you want, whether the tickets are for the fundraising event only or tickets which also include food and drink packages at the school fundraiser. TryBooking allows you to tailor your tickets to meet the exact needs of your school fundraising event.

So there you have it, a few great ideas for your next school fundraiser that you can put into action simply and easily. But if you have any questions you can contact us, we’d be more than happy to help out!


Learn more about how TryBooking can help with your fundraiser.


Start planning your fundraiser with us today.


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